
Day 100 of 100: Looking ahead

November 20th 2018,

The last post of the 100 Days of Machine Learning.

I had to take some time off after the last post. I finished my last day earlier last week and have been working towards finishing my project of sorts to show my progress as a result of this endeavor. I will post that project at the end of the week, hopefully, and my thoughts at finishing this endeavor and what lies ahead.


Day 99 of 100: The penultimate day.

November 12th 2018,

For Day 99 of the 100 Days of Machine Learning, i finished the week 1 lectures of the Coursera’s hyperparamater optimization course. The lectures that I did today were focused on improving how the initial weights were set. I will need to review these videos one more time and then I can attempt the homework assignment where I’m really excited for implementing these concepts such as regularization.

After the 100th day post I’ll finish my final project of sorts and publish that this weekend.

100 Days of ML, 100 days of ML code, data science, data-science, machine learning, machine-learning, Uncategorized

Day 83 of 100: Reading more papers

October 17th, 2018

Day 83 of 100 Days of Machine Learning.

For today, I completed the week 3 of lectures for the Convolutional Neural Network Course on Coursera. I will attempt the assignments next.

I also did some more image data augmentation for an image dataset on Kaggle.

I also read a paper on feature extraction from a time series data. Since now I have a strong handle on the material in and surrounding Machine Learning and Neural Networks, I will be reading a lot more papers to get to learn more about active research in the field.


100 Days of ML, 100 days of ML code, Algorithm of the Day, data science, data-science, machine learning, machine-learning, Uncategorized

Day 73 of 100: Finishing CNN week 1 on Coursera

October 1st 2018,

I finished the first week assignment for the Convolutional Neural Networks on Coursera today. The second assignment was to build a Convolutional Neural Network using Tensorflow. I used it to build a CNN to identify hand gestures representing numbers. It was fun. This was my first experience with Tensorflow. I expect to use it more this week.